Coffi Crefftwyr Cymreig / Welsh Artisan Coffee

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about our coffee here!

Ffa Da offer a selection of six different coffees,

Hwre, Bore da, Gwyl, Jiw Jiw, Halibalw and Nos Da.

Farm to Cup : Bringing the best quality coffee beans to the Cambrian Coast.

Each of our coffees offers a unique flavour, taste and mouthfeel. There is nothing quite like the taste of freshly roasted coffee. We only use Arabica coffee beans and roast in small batches to ensure freshness. Look out for our special blends offered during different times of the year.

We are mindful of the environmental impact of production and waste, we have carefully considered our packaging in the development of Ffa Da.

Create a Better Future for Coffee Farmers and Our Planet.

We only buy our green beans from suppliers who are committed to ensuring that all workers in their global supply chain enjoy safe and fair treatment in their workplace and comply with the modern slavery policy. Our choice of suppliers guarantees the farmers a sustainable future.

Let’s raise a REUSABLE cup of coffee to that!

Brewing Suggestions

Enjoy our coffee with a variety of different brewing methods. The table below suggests ratios for you to try, but feel free to alter to suit your palate.

Water Temperature 93-97’c

Grind size Water amount Coffee amount Brew Time
Espresso Extra Fine 36ml 18g 20-30 sec
Moka Fine Fill chamber Fill basket 3-5 min
Aeropress Fine 225ml 15-18g 1-2 min
Filter Medium 220ml 16-18g 3-4 min
Cafetiere Medium/Coarse 1 litre 60g 4 min


The Ffa Da Roasting Process

Green coffee beans are placed in the hopper before entering the roasting drum

The beans begin by absorbing energy they become yellow and then start giving off heat

Caramalisation occurs as the beans begin to deepen in colour

A cracking noise is heard as the beans hit ‘First Crack’ and now the flavours begin

Now the beans are developing, we now need to find the sweet spot

Finally the roasted beans are dropped, cooled, bagged and enjoyed

Our Coffee


Chocolatey | Berry Burst

Speciality Espresso Blend

Hwre is our House Espresso Blend. Our African and South American blend has been created with great attention to detail. Hwre translates to Hurrah, a coffee to start your day with a kick.

Hwre is an African and South American espresso blend it has been created with meticulous attention to detail in order to bring out the complimentary characteristics of a blend of origin and process. Our African and South American espresso blend has been created with meticulous attention to detail in order to bring out the complimentary characteristics of a blend of origin and process. Hwre is blend and the coffee is roasted individually in 4-6kilo batches.

Careful consideration and experimentation has gone into creating this blend to create a delicious chocolatey espresso drink with a bright fruity zing to delight the taste buds to give an invigorating boost.


Bore da

Bright | Rounded | Sweet

Speciality Coffee Brazil

About Bore Da

Bore da is our single origin Brazilian coffee, delicious brewed in a moka pot (stove pot) and also offers lots of flavour brewed with a cafetiere. Its name ‘Bore Da’ means good morning it’s a perfect cup to enjoyed in the morning, smooth and delicious. This coffee is well balanced and full of flavour, its perfect served with all selections of milk.

Farm: Fazanda Pinhal

Varietal: Mixed

Processed: Natural

Altitude: 905-1150 masl

Cup Score: 83.5

Fazenda Pinhal is a 914-hectare farm situated close to San Antonio De Ampoaro in Sul De Minas. The farm belongs to the Gabarra Teixeria Family who acquired the farm in 1994. The farm is only planted with 296 ha coffee (33% of the farm) with the rest of the land been left with natural reserve, Eucalyptus Forest and pasture land for cows.

Nos da

Sweet | Mild

Speciality Decaf Coffee

About Nos Da

Nos da is our decaffeinated coffee, for the coffee lovers who enjoy the taste of coffee but not the after effects caffeine can have on your body. Our Nos Da is roasted in small 800g batches therefore please be patient when ordering as we roast all orders fresh.

Farm : Lala Salama

Varietal: Red Bourbon

Processed: Sparkling water decaf

Altitude: 1740 masl

Cup Score: 83.5

Lala Salama means ‘Sleep Well’ in Swahili, there couldn’t be a more fitting name to bestow upon our new regular feature of Sparkling Water Decaffeinated coffee from the African continent.This lot comes from our friends at Rwanda Trading Company, our sister company in Kigali, from decaffeinate coffee from the Gitega Hills Station.

Jiw jiw!

Rich and Deep

Speciality Espresso Blend

About Jiw jiw!

Jiw jiw was developed to satisfy the needs of the richer, bolder and deeper coffee lover! A delicious blend perfect for espresso and so satisfying as a cafetière. Taste with a selection of different milks, it’s devine! Jiw jiw translates to Good God! Yes indeed.

Ffa da is a massive fan of Brazilian coffee beans, this blend is roasted with a hint of South America’s fruity Peru beans. This coffee was considered for the stronger coffee lover. Ffa Da only roasts speciality coffee and over roasted dark coffee is never an option for us, but we believe this blend can help educate the dark coffee lover to appreciate speciality coffee.

Ffa da is a massive fan of Brazilian coffee beans, this blend is roasted with a hint of South America’s fruity Peru beans. This coffee was considered for the stronger coffee lover. Ffa Da only roasts speciality coffee and over roasted dark coffee is never an option for us, but we believe this blend can help educate the dark coffee lover to appreciate speciality coffee. We hit the sweet spot when roasting our coffees, this method takes a long time to get right, but it’s worth the long hours of trail and error, once tasted it’s never forgotten.



Complex | Smooth

Speciality Coffee Rwanda

Gwyl is our single origin Rwandan coffee bean, acidic, fruity and light, it’s most enjoyed with the more subtle brewing methods such as a cafeitere, milk can be added but first try it served black. This one is our fave!

Farm: Mutovu 22.052

Varietal: Red bourbon

Processed: Washed

Altitude: 1650 masl

Cup score: 83.5

Just 5km from Karambi Mountain station within the same sector is neighbouring site Mutovu, named after the river that flows at the foot of the site, the river also provides the washing station with its water source along with the rainwaters that come down from the mountain. Like many of the washing stations, rainwater is stored in tanks and channelled throughout the site. After use the water is treated through filtration with lime added to raise the PH content before being held in small lagoons for anaerobic breakdown and eventual evaporation.


Bright | Juicy | Nutty

Speciality Coffee Peru

Halibalŵ is our Single Origin Peruvian Coffee. This bean is full of punchy flavours and delicious served black, especially as a cold brew. This coffee complements the palate well after a meal.

Farm: La Copia

Varietal: Catuai, Caturra

Processed: Washed

Altitude: 1750-1950 masl

Cup Score : 85


This lot is a blend of day lots from producers around the La Coipa, San Ignacio district. Producers in these areas pick and process their coffee themselves and usually dry the coffee on a lined patio. Coffee is generally fermented there for 24 – 36 hours and the main varieties grow are caturra,catuai and typica. We have been working in Northern Peru for several years, buying specialty coffee from cooperatives and associations with whom we have built lasting relationships. Whilst a lot of the arrival quality we have seen in previous seasons has been good, we have struggled to impact upon that quality or make improvements in the supply chain as we would like. More importantly, the premiums we had been paying for quality rarely makes it directly back to producers, something we have had very little control over in previous years.

More information about each coffee range is available in the shop
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